----- ====== Private PSK in RADIUSdesk ====== * RADIUSdesk is the first open source network management system with support for Private PSK on **OpenWrt** based Access Points. (PacketFence is open source and does have Private PSK support for **OpenWifi** based Access Points https://www.packetfence.org/news/2022/packetfence-v121-released.html) * It also offers functions that are not yet supported by commercial Private PSK-based solutions, such as the setting of data limits. {{youtube>riGV8jNcEWo?}} {{youtube>MhlKVulNNCE?}} The RADIUSdesk implementation of PPSK does not require management of devices at the Mac address level. ----- ===== Small deployments ===== * Our Private PSK implementation allows you to start small. It can literally **run on a single access point**. * However, it can also scale up and be used in larger deployments with hundreds of access points. * The illustration below shows a typical small deployment in a small office or home. * Private PSK is also supported in the mesh networks managed by MESHdesk. * You do not need VLAN-enabled devices as the VLAN assignment is done internally. {{ :technical:ppsk:ppsk_small.png }} ----- ===== Large installations (MDU - apartment blocks, flats, hotels, etc.) ===== * In large installations, you can potentially have hundreds of access points, all centrally managed with MESHdesk and APdesk. * In these installations, you need to work with other components to get an integrated solution. * Typically you will have * A common SSID configured for private PSK security on all access points. * External / centralised onboarding captive portal. * Multiple VLAN enabled switches. * A firewall hosting multiple networks, each connected to a different VLAN. * This includes multi-dwelling units (MDU), schools, hotels and conference facilities as well as WiFi networks with IOT devices. {{ :technical:ppsk:privatepsk_large.png }} * You may have noticed that the access points in the picture are the Aruba AP105. * RADIUSdesk provides a solution for networks and does not sell hardware. * The Aruba AP105 as well as many other older and current hardware is supported by OpenWrt and can therefore be used in your deployment. * No vendor lock-in :-)