====== SQM Profiles in RADIUSdesk ======
* SQM setups can be quite intimidating for newcomers.
* With the SQM Profiles applet, we follow the principle of //less is more//.
* We also follow the principle of //create once, use often//.
* You can find the applet under **Other**.
* The defined SQM profiles can then be used on mesh networks and AP Profile exit points.
* The SQM Profiles applet offers you the usual functions for creating, reading, updating and deleting (CRUD).
* You can set the speed limit, the queue discipline and the script to set up the queue.
* You also have the option of marking an SQM profile as system-wide, which makes it selectable in all clouds.
* We also collect statistics on each SQM profile applied to an exit point:
* Here is a promotional video showing some of the uses of SQM Profiles.