RADIUSdesk is the first open source network management system with support for Private PSK on OpenWrt based Access Points. (PacketFence is open source and does have Private PSK support for OpenWifi based Access Points https://www.packetfence.org/news/2022/packetfence-v121-released.html)
It also offers functions that are not yet supported by commercial Private PSK-based solutions, such as the setting of data limits.
Private PSK sales pitch :-)
Private PSK sales pitch part two
The RADIUSdesk implementation of PPSK does not require management of devices at the Mac address level.
Small deployments
Our Private PSK implementation allows you to start small. It can literally run on a single access point.
However, it can also scale up and be used in larger deployments with hundreds of access points.
The illustration below shows a typical small deployment in a small office or home.
Private PSK is also supported in the mesh networks managed by MESHdesk.
You do not need VLAN-enabled devices as the VLAN assignment is done internally.
Private PSK - Small deployments
Large installations (MDU - apartment blocks, flats, hotels, etc.)
In large installations, you can potentially have hundreds of access points, all centrally managed with MESHdesk and APdesk.
In these installations, you need to work with other components to get an integrated solution.
Typically you will have
A common SSID configured for private PSK security on all access points.
External / centralised onboarding captive portal.
Multiple VLAN enabled switches.
A firewall hosting multiple networks, each connected to a different VLAN.
This includes multi-dwelling units (MDU), schools, hotels and conference facilities as well as WiFi networks with IOT devices.
Private PSK - Large deployments
You may have noticed that the access points in the picture are the Aruba AP105.
RADIUSdesk provides a solution for networks and does not sell hardware.
The Aruba AP105 as well as many other older and current hardware is supported by OpenWrt and can therefore be used in your deployment.