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technical:ppsk-meshdesk [2024/04/28 18:14] systemtechnical:ppsk-meshdesk [2024/04/28 20:33] (current) system
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 ===== MESHdesk Related ===== ===== MESHdesk Related =====
   * We will change the default PPSK demo mesh network to support Private PSK.   * We will change the default PPSK demo mesh network to support Private PSK.
-  *  MQTT is also installed and implemented on our server, which will enable real-time separation of RADIUS users.+  *  MQTT is also installed and implemented on our server, which will enable real-time termination of RADIUS sessions.
 ==== Change the security of the entry point (SSID) ==== ==== Change the security of the entry point (SSID) ====
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 ------ ------
-==== PPSK client session ==== +===== PPSK client session ===== 
-  * If we try to connect to the PPSK Demo Wireless SSID again, our connection should work as the RADIUS is now done.+  * If we try to reconnect to the PPSK Demo Wireless SSID, our connection should work because the RADIUS is now complete.
   * Let us take a look at all the places where it is recorded.   * Let us take a look at all the places where it is recorded.
 +==== RADIUS Clients ====
 +  * The RADIUS Clients applet shows when the client last contacted the server.
 +  * It also shows the public IP address from which the RADIUS client has connected.
 +<panel type="primary">
 +{{ :technical:ppsk:radius_client_online.png |}}
 +  * For MESHdesk and APdesk we use the convention {m|a}[_hosta_]{Mesh ID/AP Profile ID}[_]{Entry ID/SSID ID}
 +  * We also record additional information from the accounting data sent by hostapd so that RADIUSdesk knows which AP or mesh node it needs to contact to disconnect a user from the WiFi.
 +==== Activity Monitor ====
 +  * Under Activity Monitor you can view active and historical sessions.
 +  * You can also end active sessions
 +<panel type="primary">
 +{{ :technical:ppsk:permanent_session.png |}}
 +  * Here you can see where we ended the active session and the user's device then automatically switched to another radio. (Note that the value of Operator Name is different)
 +<panel type="primary">
 +{{ :technical:ppsk:permanent_session_kick.png |}}
 +==== Usage graph ====
 +  * We can also look at the user's usage graph.
 +  * Here we can see that the usage is just over 1 GB, which means that the system has then disconnected from the user's device.
 +<panel type="primary">
 +{{ :technical:ppsk:graph.png |}}
 +==== Life on VLAN 105 ====
 +  * After the user's phone was disconnected from the main network, it was reconnected, but this time it was moved to VLAN 105, the captive portal.
 +<panel type="primary">
 +{{ :technical:ppsk:captive_p.jpeg |}}
  • technical/ppsk-meshdesk.1714320899.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/04/28 18:14
  • by system