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PPSK with Bandwidth Limits
- On all previous pages about PPSK, a very important topic has hardly been addressed.
- Once we grant a user access to our network, we need a way to manage the bandwidth they consume.
- Both the Captive Portal and the PPPoE server are able to do this and have been developed with this functionality in mind.
- Giving someone access to a WiFi network does not automatically allow you to manage their bandwidth.
- Although we offer advanced features to change a user's assigned VLAN based on their usage during a certain period of time, we still need the ability to limit the speed of a VLAN.
- This is where Smart Queue Management (SQM) comes into play.
- With SQM, we can not only limit the bandwidth on an interface to the value we choose, but also manage the queues so that the user has a more pleasant online experience.
Options for a MDU deployment
- The philosophy of RADIUSdesk is to offer a non-disruptive solution that can co-operate with other vendors.
- The following diagram shows a PPSK solution where the customer has chosen to use PFsense for NAT/DHCP and bandwidth limiting:
- We also offer the customer the option of using OpenWrt, which implements SQM.
- This can then be managed via APdesk.
- As OpenWrt can run on different architectures or even on a virtual machine, it offers us even more possibilities:
- Lets take a closer look at SQM on OpenWrt
SQM on OpenWrt
The following sections are a short summary of information from this Wiki page ( as well as our own experimenting.
Required Packages
- For SQM to be available in OpenWrt, you need the sqm-scripts package.
- If you also have Luci on the OpenWrt device, it is recommended to install the additional luci-app-sqm package.
- This will install the Luci SQM package which is well developed and offer you an intuitive way to apply SQM on selected interfaces using the Luci web interface.
Config File
- Essentially the SQM application in Luci manipulates the /etc/config/sqm UCI based config file and start and stop the SQM service to apply those settings.
- Lets look at a snippet of the sqm config file:
config queue 'br_ex_v104' option interface 'br-ex_v104' option enabled '1' option script 'piece_of_cake.qos' option linklayer 'none' option verbosity '5' option upload '4096' option download '4096' option debug_logging '0' option qdisc 'cake'
- Some items of note on this snippet:
- The Queue discipline is CAKE. There is also other options like fq_codel which you can use should performance be an issue.
- The upload and download values are in kbps so this snippet limits it to 4Mbps (4*1024)
- The script used to set up the SQM (based on the settings in the /etc/config/sqm file) is *piece_of_cake.qos*.
- The SQM section is applied to the br-ex_v104 interface which is actually a bridge.
- Lets look at the /etc/config/network file to find out more about the br-ex_v104 interface.
config device option type 'bridge' option name 'br-ex_v104' option stp '0' list ports 'eth1.104' config interface 'ex_v104' option device 'br-ex_v104' option proto 'static' option ipaddr '' option netmask ''
- Although the word interface in the /etc/config/sqm section is used intuitive, it can also be applied to a device like a bridge.
- In our case the br-ex_104 bridge has one port, eth1.104. This port will receive traffic from VLAN 104 on eth1. (e.g. when a user connects with a Private PSK and the Dynamic VLAN associated with him is 104.)
- Traffic going through this bridge will thus be throttled and managed with SQM.
Now that we covered the configuration of SQM, we can look at some handy commands under the Troubleshooting heading.