====== MQTT Real-time Support for MESHdesk and APdesk ======
===== Install Mosquitto =====
* Install the Mosquitto MQTT Broker as per these fine instructions:
* https://www.vultr.com/docs/install-mosquitto-mqtt-broker-on-ubuntu-20-04-server/
* Make sure you do **Step 3** to secure the it with usernames and passwords.
* In this document we use username and password of **openwrt**. Please change according to your preference.
* Please use a strong password for the MQTT user in a production environment.
===== Install Rdcore-API-Gateway =====
* Go to /opt directory
cd /opt
* Clone Rdcore API Gateway from Github
sudo git clone https://github.com/RADIUSdesk/Rdcore-API-Gateway.git
* Go to newly cloned directory
cd /opt/Rdcore-API-Gateway
* Install NPM Dependencies
sudo npm install
* Rename **.env.sample** to **.env** and edit
sudo mv .env.sample .env
sudo vi .env
#FQDN of your installed server
* The Rdcore API Gateway Systemd Startup File
sudo cp /opt/Rdcore-API-Gateway/rdcore-api-gateway.service /lib/systemd/system/
* Enable the Rdcore API Gateway
sudo systemctl enable rdcore-api-gateway.service
* Start the Rdcore API Gateway
sudo systemctl start rdcore-api-gateway.service
sudo systemctl status rdcore-api-gateway.service
* Confirm the service is running by visiting the FQDN:8001
* e.g http://cloud.radiusdesk.com:8001/
===== MQTT Settings in RADIUSdesk =====
* To enable MQTT on RADIUSdesk there are two places where it has to be configured.
* For the devices managed by MESHdesk and APdesk there is this GUI under **Settings** -> **MQTT**
* Command topic is always **/RD/NODE/COMMAND/RESPONSE**
* Then for the server to use MQTT instead of the heartbeat system you have to edit the following config file.
* Edit **/var/www/html/cake4/rd_cake/config/MESHdesk.php**
* Look for this sections and adapt to your server's values.
$config['mqtt_settings']['enable_realtime'] = true;
$config['mqtt_settings']['api_gateway_url'] = '';