~~NOTOC~~ ====== Dynamic Login Pages Overview ====== ===== Introduction ===== * RADIUSdesk includes an applet called Login Pages which makes it easy to manage the login pages of captive portals. * We currently support **CoovaChilli** and **Mikrotik** based Captive Portals. * Over the past 7+ years we used **Webix** based login pages. * Although they served us well until now we decided to move to **Bootstrap 5** based login pages for the following reasons. * Bootstrap is under active development (Current version is version 5) and has a beautiful look and feel. * Bootstrap is well known to many developers which should make it easy for them to tweak a Bootstrap based login page and adapt to their environment should the need arise. * The Webix based login pages is still available however and can be used although new development and features will be focused around the Bootstrap 5 based login pages. ===== Components of a Login Page ===== {{:radiusdesk:login_pages:bootstrap5.jpg|}} * Each login page will have the following three items * Top Toolbar * Image(s) * Login Screen * Lets discuss these items further each under its own sectional heading. ==== Top Toolbar ==== * The content and appearance of the top toolbar depends on the settings of the Login Page. * The Top Toolbar can contain the following * A **Connect** link which causes the Login Screen to show. * A Title for the page. This item is configurable. * Login Pages that is configured to support multiple languages will include a menu item to select a different language. ==== Images ==== * The Login Page will show at least one image. * The image as well as the presentation of the image is all configurable when you edit the Login Page. ==== Login Screen ==== * The Login Screen is a Pop-Up window who's contend and behavior depends on the settings of the Login Page and will be covered in detail on its own dedicated wiki page.