====== Login Pages - Settings ======
===== Introduction =====
* To fine tune the behavior of a Login Page you need to edit its settings.
* Rather than going through each item on the **Settings** tab, most of which are self explanatory, we will cover those more difficult items and places where you need a heads-up
===== Theme =====
* The default theme is called **Default** and it will redirect to the Bootstrap 5 page.
* There is a special theme called **Custom** which allows you to provide your own URLs where the redirection should go.
* There are also a couple of pre defined themes. Selecting one of those as a theme will redirect to the older Webix style login pages.
* The items on the drop-down are in fact defined inside the DynamicLogin.php file in **/var/www/html/cake3/rd_cake/config/DynamicLogin.php**.
* One of the ideas around the Login Pages is to have a common login page URL for the captive portal e.g. https://cloud.radiusdesk.com/cake3/rd_cake/dynamic-details/chilli-browser-detect/
* The CakePHP Controller will then determine:
* Which login page to serve based on the value of **Theme**.
* Which language the page must serve based on the default language selected for the Login Page.
===== Slideshow =====
* When you added multiple photos you can use the slideshow feature.
* The duration per slide can be fine tuned by editing the photo's settings.
* You can also enforce the watching of the slideshow which will delay the pop-up of the login screen until after the specified time completed.
===== Auto-Add Suffix =====
* This feature is handy on pages where a Permanent User register by typically providing their email address and password.
* When the Permanent User is created (Provided the settings on the **Realm** is such) a suffix will be added.
* Thus you will have a username like dirk@gmail.com@our_internet_cafe.
* Specifying the **Auto-add Suffix** as **our_internet_cafe** will then automatically append that value to the username supplied by the user.
* They then simply have to remember their email address and the password they choose.
===== Sending Email =====
* There are two places where the system can send the user an email through a Login Page.
* The Lost Password option.
* The User Registration option.
* Remember **you first have to configure the system with valid email settings** for this to work.
===== T&C URL =====
* For T&C you can specify a URL
* Remember if this URL is located on another server, you have to add an entry to the Walled Garden of the Captive Portal for the user to reach this URL.
===== Show Usage =====
* There is an option where the page can display the usage to a user after they connected.
* This is handy for a voucher based system or a system that uses permanent users with top-ups.
===== Support for Arabic =====
* Support for Arabic is now also included.
* There are however a small tweak you should do for it to work in an optimal way.
* Edit the /var/www/html/login/bootstrap5/index.html page.
* Remove the default Bootstrap 5 Stylesheet.
* Activate the inclusion of it in JavaScript (towards the bottom of the index.html page)
if(i18n == 'ar_AR'){
//RTL Stylesheet
$('', {
rel: 'stylesheet',
type: 'text/css',
href: 'css/bootstrap.rtl.min.css'
//Normal Stylesheet (if you did comment out the normal Bootstrap stylesheet - activate this section for non-arabic languages
$('', {
rel: 'stylesheet',
type: 'text/css',
href: 'css/bootstrap.min.css'
* This tweak will allow the RTL and normal stylesheet to co-exist thus allowing you to serve pages in Arabic and other languages.
* Not doing the tweak will have a restricted effect on the RTL styling.
===== User Registration With Top-Up Profile =====
* When you enable user registration for a login page you have to specify the **Realm** and the **Profile** the newly registered user will belong to.
* One popular option is to choose a Data Top-Up type of profile.
* If you choose such a profile it is very important to give the user its first Top-Up value in order to impose a limit to the data the user can use.
Not adding an initial Top-Up will potentially give the user unlimited data usage
* The **/var/www/cake3/rd_cake/src/Controller/RegisterUsersController.php** file has a section which you can activate which will automatically add the initial Top-Up for you when the user registers.
* Simply change **$add_topup = true;** and specify the value of the initial Top-Up
//============== SMALL HACK 26 MAY 2022 ===============
$add_topup = true;
$postTopupData = [
'user_id' => $q_u->id, //We make the owner of the Login Page the owner or the Top-Up
'permanent_user_id' => $responseData['data']['id'], //Permanent User who gets the Top-Up
'type' => 'data', //Type (data, time or days_to_use)
'value' => '10', //**Change VALUE**
'data_unit' => 'mb', //**Change VALUE**
'comment' => 'User Reg First TopUp', //Comment to ID them
'token' => $token //Token of the Login Page owner
$topup_add_url = '';
$topup_response = $this->_add_initial_topup($topup_add_url,$postTopupData);
$postData['top_up'] = $topup_response;
//======== SMALL HACK 26 MAY 2022 ===============
===== CoovaChilli Specific Settings =====
* As of June 2022 we added two options specific for CoovaChilli based captive portals.
* The one can specify if the JSON Interface is **not to be used** (for whatever reason e.g. it might not be compiled with this option)
* The other option is to use **CHAP** instead of PAP.
==== JSON Interface Complications ====
* When you serve the Login Page from public a server with a FQDN and want to do Ajax calls to Coova Chilli's JSON interface, most modern browsers **only** allow these Ajax calls to be over HTTPS.
* For this then to work you need configure Coova to include HTTPS support. (Port 4990)
* Not all Coova Chilli instances include this support and the certificates required for this support to work correct further complicates things.
* When we specify to the Login Page NOT to use the JSON Interface the login page engages **/var/www/html/login/bootstrap5/js/sConnectSimple.js** instead of **/var/www/html/login/bootstrap5/js/sConnect.js** to connect and disconnect the user.
* There is however a tradeoff and the session detail will be missing after successful authentication.
* Use this option for devices like the **Teltonika** routers.
==== Using CHAP instead of PAP ====
* Coova Chilli typically uses PAP authentication.
* For this to work it uses a UAM service with a UAM secret to encrypt the password.
* We can also opt to use CHAP instead and NOT use the UAM service.
* For this to work correct you need to leave out the UAM Secret when configuring CoovaChilli.
When you choose to use CHAP the UAM secret should be **left out** from the CoovaChilli configuration
* MESHdesk and APdesk now also allow you to leave the UAM Secret out in its configuration.
* Also make sure your MESHdesk firmware on OpenWrt is the latest that includes this support.
* This then brings us to the end of the discussion on the settings.
* Be sure to check out the other Wiki Pages that will cover other aspects of the Login Pages.