~~NOTOC~~ ===== Free Support ===== RADIUSdesk is an Open Source project which means it is free to use and modify.\\ As of January 2022 we migrated the project from SourceForge to Github.\\ https://github.com/RADIUSdesk/\\ Issues can be reported for the OpenWRT firmware:\\ https://github.com/RADIUSdesk/openwrt-meshdesk/issues\\ Issues can be reported for RADIUSdesk:\\ https://github.com/RADIUSdesk/rdcore/issues\\ Addressing those issues will be a best-effort offering free of cost. ===== Paid-for Support ===== We also offer paid-for support in the following areas for those who do not have the time or skills available: * Customizations on RADUISdesk * Integration with 3rd party systems * Customized OpenWrt firmware * Payment gateway and CC integration * Custom Log-in pages and branding * Training on RADIUSdesk and FreeRADIUS ===== Rates ===== The following rates for 2024 can be used as a reference: * 1-10 Hours = 99 USD/Hour * 10-40 Hours = 79 USD/Hour * 40+ Hours = 66-79 USD/Hour Depending on the size of a job we can negotiate on rates. ===== Contact ===== * Email : admin@radiusdesk.com