Table of Contents

Disconnecting Active RADIUS Users


Some technical information

CoovaChilli on MESHdesk and APdesk


Add Support for additional types

//Define nas types
$config['nas_types'][0]     = ['name' => 'Other',            	'id' => 'other',       		'active' => true];
$config['nas_types'][1]     = ['name' => 'Coova-On-Meshdesk', 'id' => 'CoovaMeshdesk',   	'active' => true];
$config['nas_types'][2]     = ['name' => 'Mikrotik-API',	'id' => 'Mikrotik-API',   	'active' => true];
//First we try to locate the client under dynamic_clients
$dc = $this->DynamicClients->find()
	->where(['DynamicClients.nasidentifier' => $nasidentifier])
	if($dc->type == $this->coova_md){ //It is type CoovaMeshdesk => Now try and locate AP to send command to 
		//We have a convention of nasidentifier for meshdesk => mcp_<captive_portal_id> and apdesk => ap_<ap id>_cp_<captive_portal_id>
		if(preg_match('/^mcp_/' ,$nasidentifier)){ //MESHdesk     		
		if(preg_match('/^ap_/' ,$nasidentifier)){ //APdesk		
		sleep(1); //Give MQTT time to do its thing....  			