The UAM SSL key and certificate is located on the Access Points controlled by MESHdesk and APdesk.
This certificate are used by CoovaChilli to encrypt the Ajax calls between your browser and CoovaChilli.
It expired on 5November 2023.
We updated the Git repository with a new version.
These instructions should be used to patch any existing Access Points which use the certificate during the login process of CoovaChilli.
The instructions will contain two parts.
Host the new key and cert files on the server running RADIUSdesk
Do remote command execution on the Access Points to patch them with the new key and cert files.
Host the new files
#Do this in a temporary workspace
mkdir temp_cert
cd temp_cert
git clone openwrt-meshdesk
sudo mkdir -p /var/www/html/certs
sudo cp ./openwrt-meshdesk/MESHdesk/files/MESHdesk/captive_portals/cert.pem /var/www/html/certs
sudo cp ./openwrt-meshdesk/MESHdesk/files/MESHdesk/captive_portals/key.pem /var/www/html/certs
Remote command Execution (Patch)
Select the Access Point you want to patch
Click on the Execute button to execute a command.
Select Execute Command from the radio button.
Enter the following (while adapting it to your server setup)
This means you have to substitute with the FQDN of your RADIUSdesk server.
cd /etc/MESHdesk/captive_portals/ ; rm key.pem ; rm cert.pem ; wget; wget