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getting_started:20_install_ubuntu_nginx [2023/01/12 21:33]
admin [Installing RADIUSdesk on Ubuntu 20.04 using Nginx]
getting_started:20_install_ubuntu_nginx [2023/01/12 21:37] (current)
admin [Installing RADIUSdesk on Ubuntu 20.04 using Nginx]
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 <WRAP center round important 100%> <WRAP center round important 100%>
   * As from January 2023 we encourage you to run the latest RADIUSdesk code on Ubuntu 22.04 or higher.   * As from January 2023 we encourage you to run the latest RADIUSdesk code on Ubuntu 22.04 or higher.
-  * If you however are not able to do for whatever reason, you can follow these instructions to replace PHP v7.4 with PHP v8.1 on Ubuntu 20.04.+  * If you however are not able to do for whatever reason, use the URL below for **reference** instructions to replace PHP v7.4 with PHP v8.1 on Ubuntu 20.04.
   * https://www.cloudbooklet.com/how-to-install-or-upgrade-php-8-1-on-ubuntu-20-04/   * https://www.cloudbooklet.com/how-to-install-or-upgrade-php-8-1-on-ubuntu-20-04/
   * The latest RADIUSdesk code requires a minimum of PHP v8.1.   * The latest RADIUSdesk code requires a minimum of PHP v8.1.
 +  * **The instructions on this page will not work with the latest RADIUSdesk code since they are for Ubuntu 20.04 and NOT 22.04.** 
 </WRAP> </WRAP>