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meshdesk:lte [2022/11/23 08:26]
admin [Getting Started]
meshdesk:lte [2022/11/24 11:38] (current)
admin [Getting Started]
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 ===== LTE modem in OpenWrt ===== ===== LTE modem in OpenWrt =====
   * You will need a modem that supports the **qmi** protocol.   * You will need a modem that supports the **qmi** protocol.
-  * The modem will typically be a pcie card modem or a USB dongle.+  * The modem will typically be a pcie card or a USB dongle.
   * You can get more information on the hardware and packages to include with OpenWrt from this page: https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/network/wan/wwan/ltedongle   * You can get more information on the hardware and packages to include with OpenWrt from this page: https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/network/wan/wwan/ltedongle
   * We assume you installed all the required packages as listed in the link above.   * We assume you installed all the required packages as listed in the link above.
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   * The once off action will require a WAN connection (Ethernet Cable) for the Access Point.   * The once off action will require a WAN connection (Ethernet Cable) for the Access Point.
   * When the Access Point shows up under the Unknown network devices you can then attach it to either a Mesh or AP Profile.   * When the Access Point shows up under the Unknown network devices you can then attach it to either a Mesh or AP Profile.
-  * When you supply the info for attaching the Access Point there the **Internet Connect** option that allows you to choose LTE/4G.+  * When you supply the info for attaching the Access Point, use the **Internet Connect** option and choose LTE/4G.
 {{:meshdesk:lte_settings.png?nolink|}} {{:meshdesk:lte_settings.png?nolink|}}
   * The detail which you have to supply like the **APN** and if required a **Username** and **Password** will depend on the mobile provider and sim card you use.   * The detail which you have to supply like the **APN** and if required a **Username** and **Password** will depend on the mobile provider and sim card you use.
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   * When the Access Point sends its heartbeats to the controller it will also send along information on its connection.   * When the Access Point sends its heartbeats to the controller it will also send along information on its connection.
   * You can then check the signal strength using the GUI   * You can then check the signal strength using the GUI
 +  * There are four items reported on with four levels
 +  * The items are
 +        * **RSSI**  Received Signal Strength Indicator
 +        * **RSRP**  Reference Signal Received Power
 +        * **RSRQ**  Reference Signal Received Quality
 +        * **SINR** Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio
 +  * The levels are
 +        * Excellent
 +        * Good
 +        * Mid Cell
 +        * Cell Edge
 +===== The Provider's Logo =====
 +  * You might have noticed there is a logo of the provider we use in the screenshot of the tool-tip.
 +  * This has to be configured in a config file of the RADIUSdesk server.
 +  * We have by default the three big providers in South Africa as a reference.
 +  * We use the MCC/MNC tuple to identify them and record it in the file ///var/www/rdcore/cake4/rd_cake/config/MESHdesk.php//
 +  * This Wiki Page is a handy starting point: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_country_code
 +<code php>
 +$config['MESHdesk']['mobile_providers'] = [
 +        ['mcc' => 655,  "mnc" => 7,     'name' => 'Cell C',     'country' => 'ZA', 'logo' => 'za_cell_c.png' ],
 +        ['mcc' => 655,  "mnc" => 10,    'name' => 'MTN',        'country' => 'ZA', 'logo' => 'za_mtn.png' ],
 +        ['mcc' => 655,  "mnc" => 1,     'name' => 'Vodacom',    'country' => 'ZA', 'logo' => 'za_vodacom.png' ]
 +  * Simply add the providers you might use to that list.
 +  * The logo's are stored under ///var/www/rdcore/cake4/rd_cake/webroot/img/mobile_providers///
 +  * The recommended height for the logo image is 24px.
 +  * Once they are added to the list the tool-tip should be able to source the logo since the router will report the MCC and MNC values that enable the code logic to do a lookup.