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start [2022/06/11 19:25]
start [2022/09/28 19:30] (current)
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 ~~NOTOC~~ ~~NOTOC~~
- +<WRAP tablewidth
-<WRAP formalbox+| [[products|Products]] | [[user_manuals|Documentation]] | [[services|Services]] |
-| Products | Documentation | Services | +
-{{:wiki:radiusdesk-color.svg |}} +
-====== Out of the box wifi management ======+
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP nicebox green> <WRAP nicebox green>
 =====  RADIUSdesk ===== =====  RADIUSdesk =====
-Modern fully Open Source front-end for FreeRADIUS +Modern front-end to **FreeRADIUS** 
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP nicebox orange> <WRAP nicebox orange>
 =====  MESHdesk ===== =====  MESHdesk =====
-Central management of Batman-Adv Mesh networks +Central management of **Batman-Adv** mesh networks 
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP nicebox purple> <WRAP nicebox purple>
 =====  APdesk ===== =====  APdesk =====
-Central control of OpenWrt based Access Point+Central control of **OpenWrt** based access points
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
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 <layer> <layer>
 <item> <item>
-{{:wiki:multi_device-2.png |}} +Many devices one dashboard 
------ +{{:wiki:multi_device-2-0.jpg |}}
-**Many Devices Once Dashboard**+
 </item> </item>
 </layer> </layer>
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 <layer> <layer>
 <item> <item>
 +Easy navigation
 +{{:wiki:overview1.png |}}
 +Manage modifiable off-the-shelf (MOTS) Hardware
 +{{:wiki:overview2.png |}}
 +End to end Open Source system
 {{:wiki:open-source.jpg |}} {{:wiki:open-source.jpg |}}
----- +</item> 
-**End To End Fully 100% Open Source System**+</layer> 
 +Sponsored by NLnet 
 +{{ :wiki:nlnet_logo.svg |}}
 </item> </item>
 </layer> </layer>