{{ :getting_started:rd_simplified.png |}}
====== Design Principle ======
Please note the following points when viewing the diagram.
* RADIUSdesk uses the same principles as an application such as Github.
* In Github, I can be the owner of a repository, but I can also allow other users on Github to make changes to my repository.
* In RADIUSdesk, an administrator can be the owner of zero or more clouds.
* This administrator then has the option of authorizing other administrators to manage selected clouds. (Under **Other** -> **Cloud**)
====== Structure of the database ======
* The database is structured in such a way that entities such as realms, profiles and permanent users belong to a cloud.
* This means that the database table has a cloud_id column.
* When a request to perform an action is received, the ACL code uses the available information to determine whether the owner of the request is allowed to perform the action in the specific cloud.
====== Site and Networks ======
* Sites and Networks are tags used with MESHdesk and APs under AP Profiles.
* They are used to group items, which in turn are used for navigation in the overviews and map views
{{ :getting_started:cloud_site_network_nav.png |}}