The purpose of new arrivals

  • The purpose of new arrivals is to make onboarding smoother.
  • New arrivals are used in two places
    • RADIUS Clients
    • MESHdesk and APdesk (hardware)

New arrivals RADIUS Clients Button

New arrivals RADIUS Clients

New arrivals Hardware

  • Entries in New arrivals are added by the system.
  • When a RADIUS client that has not yet been added but has the correct shared secret contacts the server (using the RADIUS protocol), it is added to the New arrivals for RADIUS under the RADIUS section.
  • If hardware such as a mesh node or an AP with the MESHdesk firmware configured to point to the RADIUSdesk server contacts the server (using HTTP or HTTPS) and the hardware is not yet managed, it will be added to the New arrivals for hardware under MESHdesk and APdesk.
  • To confirm that the system is adding New Entrances as intended, you can test it by mimicking a RADIUS client and MESHdesk-enabled hardware.
  • RADIUSdesk has a built-in RADIUS client that you can use conveniently.
  • Under the Overview section, you will find a Utilities tab with a button to start the RADIUS client.


  • This is the result of your test action

New Arrival RADIUS Client - Result

  • You can now either delete it, or attach it as a RADIUS Client.
    "success": false,
    "error": "MAC Address: 00-3F-5D-00-8F-C5 not defined on system"
  • This is the result of our test action

New Arrival Hardware - Result

  • You can now either delete it or attach it as a node to a selected mesh network or as an AP to an AP Profile.
  • getting_started/onboarding.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/02/10 05:45
  • by system