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FreeRADIUS - Dictionary Files
- FreeRADIUS comes standard with a large amount of dictionary files.
- These files are consulted by FreeRADIUS to convert an Attribute name to a digital value.
- Attribute names are typically part of a profile associated with a user e.g. specifying a VLAN or IP pool or a speed limit that needs to be imposed.
- This is similar to a DNS server or hosts file where a system will convert a hostmame to an IP Address in order to communicate on the network.
- Standard FreeRADIUS dictionary files are located under the /usr/share/freeradius/ folder.
- They have a naming convention of dictionary[dot][vedor] e.g. dictionary.mikrotik.
- The recommendation is to keep this folder standard and not to add additional or modify dictionaries here.
Dictionary in RADIUSdesk
- RADIUSdesk allows you to conveniently select items out of the dictionary files to formulate profiles or to manage attributes belonging to users (Permanent Users, Vouchers, Devices)
- In order for the Select control to work as intended ensure that the Nginx webserver can read the /etc/freeradius/3.0/dictionary file.
sudo chown freerad:www-data /etc/freeradius sudo chown freerad:www-data /etc/freeradius/3.0 sudo chown freerad:www-data /etc/freeradius/3.0/dictionary