This is an old revision of the document!
- RADIUSdesk has become a popular choice for enterprise deployments due to its flexibility and a user-friendly and versatile interface.
- We now also offer our enterprise customers the option of LDAP integration for managing administrators within the RADIUSdesk system.
- In this document, we will cover the configuration and testing of LDAP integration in RADIUSdesk.
Required Packages
- We use the Authentication Plugin available with CakePHP v4 and CakePHP v5 as the foundation for the LDAP integration.
- In the past we used the Auth Component which is now being replaced by the Authentication and Authorization Plugins in more recent versions of CakePHP.
- The rdcore git code from 15 February onward will have the Authentication plugin included and active.
- To add LDAP capability you also need to install the LDAP php library on the system hosting RADIUSdesk.
sudo apt-get install php-ldap