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technical:pf-intro [2024/02/29 10:34] systemtechnical:pf-intro [2024/02/29 10:44] (current) system
Line 37: Line 37:
 <panel type="primary"> <panel type="primary">
 {{:technical:pf:pf_um_radius1.png|}}  {{:technical:pf:pf_um_radius1.png|}} 
 +===== Add Captive Portal =====
 +  * Go to the **Services** -> **Captive Portal** menu entry.
 +  * Select **Add** to add a new zone.
 +<panel type="primary">
 </panel> </panel>
  • technical/pf-intro.1709195651.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/02/29 10:34
  • by system