
Installing Accel-ppp on Raspberry Pi OS


  • The Accel-ppp project has quite a lot documentation available along with forums which you can go through to gather information.
  • Their install instructions for Debian served as a reference for the instructions on this page.

Install Instructions

  • Install the following packages:
apt-get install -y build-essential cmake gcc linux-headers-`uname -r` git libpcre3-dev libssl-dev liblua5.1-0-dev
  • Checkout the latest git source code:
sudo git clone https://github.com/accel-ppp/accel-ppp.git /opt/accel-ppp-code
  • Create directory for build source code and go to this directory.
sudo mkdir /opt/accel-ppp-code/build
cd /opt/accel-ppp-code/build/
  • Generate the Makefile:

Remember the .. at the end of the statement. It sets the path to the accel-ppp source code. Do not delete this! Alternatively you can replace it with the full path to the accel-ppp souce code like /opt/accel-ppp-code/

  • Compile
sudo make
  • Create a DEB package
sudo cpack -G DEB
  • Install the package
sudo dpkg -i accel-ppp.deb
  • If the install went OK you can use the reference config file and make it active
sudo mv /etc/accel-ppp.conf.dist /etc/accel-ppp.conf
  • See if it starts up. It should start up with the default config file
sudo systemctl start accel-ppp
sudo systemctl status accel-ppp