Dynamic Keys
One of the most powerful features of the Login Pages is the Dynamic Keys.
Unfortunately it is also one of the most misunderstood.
This dedicated Wiki Page aims to make the aspects around the Dynamic Keys more clear.
Login Page URL
Coova Chilli
When connecting to a Coova Chill based Captive Portal you will be redirected to the UAM
Coova Chilli does this automatically and also formulate the query string that is automatically appended to the UAM
The components and values of the query string is mostly determined by the configuration settings of Coova Chilli.
Here is a sample of the login page with its query string.
With the Coova Chilli configuration we for instance have
Some settings must be unique to the Coova Chilli instance e.g. nasid.
Other settings can be more generic and can be common between a couple of Coova Chilli instances e.g. ssid.
If our Login Page have not yet been configured with any Dynamic Keys you will get the following screen.
<center>If you are not redirected in a few seconds, click 'continue' below<br>
<form name="redirect" action="https://cloud.radiusdesk.com/cake3/rd_cake/dynamic-details/mikrotik-browser-detect" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="loginlink" value="$(link-login-only)">
<input type="hidden" name="nasid" value="$(identity)">
<input type="hidden" name="link_status" value="$(link-status)">
<input type="hidden" name="link_login_only" value="$(link-login-only)">
<input type="hidden" name="link_logout" value="$(link-logout)">
<input type="hidden" name="mac" value="$(mac-esc)">
<input type="hidden" name="type" value="mikrotik">
<input type="hidden" name="ssid" value="our_internet_cafe">
<input type="submit" value="continue">
<script language="JavaScript">
Here the Mikrotik will POST some additional data to the CakePHP controller which the controller can then utilize.
With the Mikrotik you are more in control in terms of that items will be contained in the POST.
You can even provide your own set of items with the values you choose.
Like the Coova Chilli pages, the Mikrotik will display a list of available items if the Dynamic Keys have not yet been configured.
Connecting a Login Page with Captive Portal
The Dynamic Keys are used by RADIUSdesk to determine which Login Page to serve.
You can make use of any of the listed items and add them as a Dynamic Key to a Login Page.
Login Pages can also contain multiple Dynamic Keys.
Lets say you have a very specific login page that should only be shown by one specific captive portal you can use the nasid.
On the other hand if you have for instance a hotel chain and want to use the same page on ALL the captive portals deployed at those hotels you can use a more generic item e.g. ssid.
You can also combine them without any issues.
A Final Word On Coova Chilli