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Acell-ppp Support in RADIUSdesk
As of November 2023 we have added the ability to centrally manage Accel-ppp running on Ubuntu or Raspberry Pi based devices.
Simply install a lightweight agent that interacts with RADIUSdesk.
Each device will then have the ability to be configured using a web applet in the central RADIUSdesk server.
The agent will also report back to RADIUSdesk on the status of the service and any active sessions after it configured Acell-ppp based on the settings specified by RADIUSdesk.
Consider the following graphic to show how everything fits together.
Accel-ppp Servers Applet
Common Settings (Base Configs)
One can define various sets of these common settings, giving each a unique name.
We refer to them as Base Configs.
There is one already called Default.
The keys of these configs maps to sections of the /etc/accel-ppp.conf file.
Should you wish to add or modify these configs; it can be done by editing /var/www/rdcore/cake4/rd_cake/config/AccelPresets.php.
The various configs will then appear as a select-able Base Config list when managing profiles.
When one select a Base Config from the list; the values in the
GUI are populated from the selected Base Config.
You can then edit those populated values so they are unique to the profile you are managing.
See screenshot below.
Unique Settings (Profiles)
Profiles allow you to override certain values which were specified in the Base Config so that they become unique to a certain profile.
These include items which might need tweaking for certain environments.
Each of the sections inside the
GUI maps to a section in the
/etc/accel-ppp.conf file.
Specific Settings (Server)
New Arrivals