• From July 2023 we are introducing RADIUSdesk Mobile as an alternative mobile first user interface for RADIUSdesk.
  • This means that in the future you will be able to do everything in RADIUSdesk from your own phone.
  • A simple task like issuing vouchers for internet access or something more involved like setting up a mesh network on MESHdesk can be done from your phone.
  • The latest installation instructions already include the inclusion of RADIUSdesk Mobile.
  • If you have an existing CakePHPv4-based installation, you can easily add RADIUSdesk Mobile to your existing installation.

Make sure the rdcore repository is up to date and all SQL patches are completed (if any are required for your installation)

  • Make sure the rdcore repository is up to date and all SQL patches are completed (if any are required for your installation)
  • Proceed as follows to get the RADIUSdesk Mobile code:
cd /var/www
sudo git clone https://github.com/RADIUSdesk/rd_mobile.git
cd /var/www/html/
sudo ln -s ../rd_mobile/build/production/RdMobile ./rd_mobile
  • RADIUSdesk Mobile is a Progressive Web App (PWA), i.e. you can install it on your Android or Apple phone.
  • For this to work, you need to access the rd_mobile app via https (you need a valid certificate)
  • An installation option is displayed in the Chrome browser on my phone.

  • I start the installation on my phone

  • RADIUS Screen

  • Filter results

  • Graphs

  • Activity

Setup Wizard

On-boarding / New Arrivals

Stats SSID to device

Stats node to node

Stats Nodes

  • getting_started/mobile_ui.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/02/10 05:51
  • by system