A One Time Password or OTP is a common method used for user verification.
A user will typically provide a mobile number or email address.
The system will then send a code to the mobile number using SMS or to the email address using an email.
This code will be used by the user to validate itself to the system.
As for February 2023 RADIUSdesk includes support for OTP verification for Captive Portal (Hotspot) users.
We support the following ways to send the OTP:
We support OTP with:
The rest of this page will discuss the configuration and technical detail of the OTP functionality.
Enable System To Send OTPs
In order for RADIUSdesk to send an OTP you have to configure the system to be able to send the OTP using email or SMS.
RADIUSdesk allows for you to configure a system wide configuration but it also allows you to define per cloud settings which will take preference over the system wide settings.
See the following screenshot for the email configuration:
We support Sendgrid and normal SMTP as a transport for the email.
After you specified the config press Save.
After you saved the configuration you can test it by clicking the Test Email Settings button.
You can also view the history of all the emails that the system sent out using this particular configuration by clicking the Show Sent History button.
See the following screenshot for the SMS configuration.
Most SMS providers has an
API that you use to send SMSs.
RADIUSdesk allows you to specify two SMS Providers. Both can be active however the system will only use the first active one it finds.
As with the email settings you are also able to test the SMS Settings after configuration.
You can also view the history of all the SMSs that the system sent out using that particular configuration by clicking the Show Sent History button.
These settings can also be specified per Cloud.
Go to Other → Clouds.
Simply select the cloud for which you want to add more specific settings and edit it.
These settings will take preference.
OTP For User Registration
The above screenshot should be mostly self explanatory.
There is however one important point that should be mentioned on using Email for OTP.
We sit with a bit of a chicken and egg situation since the person will need Internet access to get to their email to retrieve the OTP.
We will thus provide them temporary Internet access for this action.
This is what the Temp login user is for.
You are advised to create a dedicated user with a special profile for this purpose.
The profile should be
This will allow for the user that registers to retrieve the OTP from their email but not much beyond that in terms of Internet connection.
The email with the OTP will also contain a link which the user can click to confirm the OTP to the system.
This makes is easy if the WebView with the Captive Portal Login Page closed while the user retrieved the OTP from their email.
OTP For Click To Connect
With OTP for Click To Connect there are one of two options.
If you select the email option for the OTP, again you have to provide temporary Internet access to the user as with User Registration above.
If you select SMS option (the user's mobile number) you don't need to provide anything since the OTP will be delivered as an SMS.
We also again added a link in the email for the user to conveniently confirm the OTP by clicking on the link.
Some Technical Items
Expiry of the OTP
The current expiry time for an OTP is two minutes.
This can be adjusted by editing /var/www/html/cake4/rd_cake/src/Controller/RegisterUsersController.php and /var/www/html/cake4/rd_cake/src/Controller/DataCollectortsController.php files.
Look for this line and adjust acordingly.
protected $valid_minutes = 2; //The time that an OTP will be valid (in minutes)
Disconnecting Temp Connection
URL link in the email will cause a redirect to a special CoovaChilli
URL that will log the user out (
For this to happen the user should be connected to the Captive Portal so that this
URL can log them out.
if($otp == $q_r->value){
$success = true;
$this->{'PermanentUserOtps'}->patchEntity($q_r, ['status' => 'otp_confirmed']);
$user_id = $q_r->permanent_user_id;
$q_pu = $this->{'PermanentUsers'}->find()->where(['PermanentUsers.id' =>$user_id])->first();
$this->{'PermanentUsers'}->patchEntity($q_pu, ['active' => 1]);
$this->response = $this->response->withHeader('Location', "");
return $this->response;
We are still looking for a similar way to disconnect users on a Mikrotik based Hotspot.